
Pi-Lit LED 5 Flare Med-Evac Landing Zone Kit


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Pi-lit 5 Unit Sequential LED Helicopter Landing Zone Kit. Easy to use. The most advanced LZ Kit. 

With all the red, blue and white flashing lights at an emergency scene the Pi-Lit Landing Zone kit LED's stand out in stark relief as flashing green. This enables the pilot to immediately see the obstacle-free LZ site. See the video below to see the difference.

Low profile units that do not get blown away by the copter's rotowash like cones do.

Kit includes: carry case, flares and instructions. This is the alkaline version requiring batteries.

Pi-Lit® LZ Kit includes 5 radio-linked flares with both visible and infra-red LEDs.  The flares are placed at the corners of a 100 foot (30 meter) square  with one placed outside to designate wind direction OR inverted “Y” free of obstacles.

The flares flash in unison to create an identifiable “constellation” of either infra-red or visible flashing points.  The operator may use any one of the 5 flares to control the entire group, changing from visible to infra-red with the push of a button.

Pi-Lit Landing Zone Kit specifications:

    • Intelligent radio technology automatically links the LZ Kit lamps creating a distinct simultaneous flash pattern that is easy to recognize from the air. Simultaneous flashing creates a "constellation" pattern for the pilot to look for.
    • Powered by 4 off-the-shelf AA-alkaline batteries
    • Battery life = ~36 hours of continuous flash
    • 360 degree horizontal viewing angle, 180 degree vertical viewing angle
    • 12 infra-red side LEDs, 4 visible green top LEDs
    • Compact and rugged making it easy to store inside any emergency vehicle
    • Heavy and dense (not effected by rotor wash)
    • Use in all weather conditions (cloudy, snow, rain, ice, fog, etc.)
    • 100 ft (30 meters) radio range when on the ground (greater off the ground)
    • Set includes 5 LZ warning lamps
    • Can be placed in the square configuration (4 flares in a square + 1 outside the square for wind direction) or in the Inverted Y-configuration


    • Default state alternates between flashing of infra-red side LEDs with top visible green LEDs
    • Any one LZ flare can control the entire network of LZ flares
    • Operator can lock-on infra-red flashing only or visible flashing only
    • Battery status check with push of a button
    • Turn all flares off with a press of one button (collect all flares before doing a "Group Off")
    • Three flash patterns to choose from (operator's preference)
    • Optional Remote Control (range = 300 meter - 1000 feet)
    • Can be used in conjunction with multiple sets to form a larger demarcated landing area

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